Sunday, May 31, 2009

State Fair Spots Last Week

Yes, It's true! Poppy was in the house! In case you don't know, Poppy is the bear mascot for the State Fair. Inside that costume there's a guy sweatin' away. Anyway there were also twelve 12 year-olds cavorting with the big yellow guy in greenscreen. I thought we were going to have to put some fresh D-cells in the cattle-prod to keep all those kids in line, but they were all pros. The State Fair spots should hit the air in a few weeks.

Big Music Video Production

Deon Taylor and a crew of over 30 top pros are in the studio doing a high-end music video Sunday (5-31) after shooting around town. They've got 5 motorhomes parked in our lot, 2 grip trucks...and their own generator...Plus they're shooting with TWO Red cameras... and these guys are movin'!
(photos coming soon)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Big APCS Casting Call a Success!

Whew...What night at the A Place Called Sacramento Crew & Casting Call. Ron Cooper estimated over 250 people and I have to agree. I gotta thank everyone who stopped by my table for "Beatrice & The Bike Thief"... I don't think there was ever less than 15 or 20 people in that line! I didn't leave until after 9pm so I could talk to everyone in line (that was over 3 hours). I'll be sending out emails to everyone to list the times and subjects of our free production job training seminars. Thanks again!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Beatrice & The Bike Thief

We were just informed that my script for the short movie "Beatrice & The Bike Thief" has been selected to be in this years A Place Called Sacramento Film Festival Oct.4th at The Crest. This ought to be a fun one... It's a Disney-style comedy with kids on bikes...and Beatrice who fancies herself as a detective... on the trail of bike thieves.
We'll be casting by the end of May and hope to start production in June. We will have the website up soon...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Visit by The Governator

Yep... Here he is driving up to The Studio Center with his entourage. First thing Arnold did was to walk into my office where I was talking to my brother (and Chief Editor) Fred, asking "So Vhat are you two up to?"... After welcoming him to The Studio Center, I told him we run the place. The Gov then says, "So, you're not doing much of anything then?" I had to retort,"You've been dealing with too many studio people haven't you?" He says, "A few... Nice to meet you"... he flashes that big smile, shakes hands and walks back into the studio to do his thing.